Automated Watering System for Garden with Repurposed Plastic Bottles


As a green-thumbed individual looking to save time and money, I recently discovered a great way to repurpose plastic bottles – by transforming them into an automated watering system for my garden! With the help of some materials, a few simple steps, and some creativity, I was able to create a low-cost, effective way of keeping my plants watered.


The benefits of my homemade automated watering system are numerous. Not only does it save me time and money, but I now have a consistent supply of water for my plants that won’t become stagnant or attract mosquitoes. Plus, I no longer need to worry about the risk of overwatering or underwatering my garden – it’s all taken care of automatically! OK well sort of automatically. You do have to refill the bottles but delivering the water slowly to the roots of your plants does decrease watering time. In addition, it decreases the number of plastic bottles going into landfills and oceans.

To create my automated watering system, I first gathered the materials I would need. These included plastic bottles, a drill, and a funnel. You can get more fancy and connect the bottle but I was aiming for more of an ollas system. The best bottles for this would be 2L beverage bottles with screw-on lids. The smaller beverage bottle could be used for potted plants. With these supplies in hand, I was ready to get started on my project.

Steps for Repurposing Plastic Bottles into a Watering System for Garden

The steps for creating an automated watering system with plastic bottles are quite simple. I began by drilling small nail-sized holes in the bottom of each bottle and along the lower half. This would allow for water to flow out from the bottles when placed in the soil. Next, I painted the top of the bottles black to decrease algae formation and make them more attractive. You could paint them any color you want or not at all. Then I covered the bottom of the bottles with old pantyhose to prevent the holes from clogging. An old thin sock would work too. I don’t know about you but my house eats socks! I always have a lot of unmatched single socks!

The result was a semi-automated watering system that provided my garden with a consistent supply of water without me having to do much more than refill once to twice a week. This also was much more efficient than watering the top of the soil as it decreased evaporation and delivered the water to the roots where it was needed. Then I buried the bottles next to the plants I wanted to water and filled them with water. You will want to water the dirt to get the wicking process started. You can tighten or loosen the bottle cap to control the rate the water comes out to some degree. Not only did I save money and time, but I also felt proud knowing that I had taken matters into my own hands and created something special with repurposed materials.


Making small changes like this can go a long way in helping the environment while also saving money. It’s certainly worth considering for anyone who wants to make their garden more sustainable and efficient.

So, if you’re looking for an easy DIY project that will benefit both your home and the planet – why not give automated watering systems with plastic bottles a try? You may be surprised at how simple and effective they are!

Good luck!


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