How to Get Rid of Rabbits

how to get rid of rabbits

Understanding Rabbit Behavior

Learn how to get rid of rabbits! Rabbits are drawn to environments that offer ample food sources and shelter. In residential areas, they find refuge in tall grasses, thick shrubs, and spaces under decks or porches that provide protection from predators. They predominantly feed on a variety of green vegetation, including leaves, stems, flowers, and vegetables, which is why lush gardens and landscaped yards become prime targets for these animals. Additionally, easy access to water sources, such as birdbaths or shallow ponds, can also entice rabbits to settle in a yard.

Common Habits of Rabbits in Residential Areas

In residential settings, rabbits typically exhibit crepuscular behavior, being most active during dawn and dusk. This is when they forage for food and can be seen nibbling on garden plants, grasses, and young trees, often causing damage to homeowners’ landscaping. They are also known for digging shallow holes in the ground to nest, particularly in soft, well-maintained lawns. Understanding these habits is vital for effectively implementing measures to discourage them from taking up residence in your yard.

Natural Rabbit Repellents

Creating an Uninviting Garden with Plants Rabbits Dislike

Making your garden less appealing to rabbits can be achieved by incorporating plants that are generally unattractive to them. Rabbits tend to avoid some aromatic herbs such as lavender, oregano, and rosemary. Incorporating these can act as a natural deterrent. Additionally, planting flowers like marigolds or perennials such as foxglove, which rabbits find unpalatable, can help keep them away from your more desirable blooms and vegetables.

Home Remedies That Can Deter Rabbits

Home remedies can serve as a practical approach to dissuade rabbits from invading your yard without causing them harm. Sprinkling human hair or dried sulfur around your garden can create an unpleasant environment for these critters. Another popular tactic is to use homemade sprays; mixing garlic powder or hot pepper flakes with water and applying it to plant leaves can be an effective repellent. Always ensure these mixtures are not harmful to the particular plants you have in your garden.

Physical Barriers for Rabbits

Erecting a fence is one of the most reliable methods to prevent rabbits from entering your garden. A wire mesh fence with 1-inch holes or smaller should be buried at least 6 inches underground and stand 2 to 3 feet above the surface to thwart digging and leaping rabbits. Additionally, it’s essential to ensure there are no gaps under gates or between the fence posts. For individual trees that require protection, tree guards can be used to prevent rabbits from gnawing on the bark and causing damage. Finally, using raised beds for your vegetable garden can provide an extra layer of defense, as rabbits are less inclined to jump into an elevated area. Ensure these beds are high enough to prevent rabbits from reaching the plants.

Humane Trapping for Rabbits

For those seeking non-lethal methods to control rabbits, humane live trapping can be a viable solution. When utilizing live traps, selecting the right size is crucial—too small, and the rabbit may not enter; too large, and it may not trigger the mechanism. Place the traps near the areas of damage and bait them with foods such as carrots, apples, or brussels sprouts. It’s important to check the traps frequently to minimize stress on the animals.

Upon successfully trapping a rabbit, the next step is to release it safely into the wild. Choose a location far from residential areas where the rabbits will have ample natural cover and food sources. Ensure that the release area is not near busy roads to prevent the risk of accidents. Gently open the trap and allow the rabbit to exit on its own; do not attempt to handle it, as this can cause additional stress. Observing these best practices will help maintain the welfare of the rabbit while also managing your garden needs.

Maintaining Your Yard

Regular maintenance of your yard is key to deterring rabbits and minimizing potential damage to your property. It is crucial to remove any potential food sources that may attract rabbits, such as fallen fruits or vegetables, as these can encourage their presence. Equally important is eliminating hiding places by keeping the grass trimmed and removing dense shrubbery or piles of debris where rabbits can take shelter. By maintaining a clean and open yard, you reduce the appeal for rabbits to visit and establish residence, thus protecting your garden and landscaping from their nibbling habits.

Commercial Repellents and Deterrents for Rabbits

Commercial repellents can act as a first line of defense in deterring rabbits from entering your yard. These products typically contain scents or tastes that are disagreeable to rabbits, thus discouraging them from feeding on treated plants. When selecting a commercial repellent, it’s important to look for options that are environmentally friendly and safe for other wildlife, pets, and children. The effectiveness of these repellents can vary and may require reapplication after rain or over time, making consistent monitoring and maintenance key to long-term success.

In addition to scent or taste-based deterrents, motion-activated sprinklers and ultrasonic devices can provide a more active approach to repelling rabbits. Motion-activated sprinklers work by detecting movement and then spraying a burst of water, which startles and discourages rabbits from the area. Ultrasonic devices emit a sound at a frequency that is generally inaudible to humans but can be disturbing to wildlife, including rabbits. While both these methods can be beneficial, it is important to use them in accordance with manufacturer instructions and to periodically change their placement to prevent rabbits from becoming accustomed to them.

Seeking Professional Help

When rabbit populations persistently cause damage or when home remedies and deterrents fail to yield results, it may be time to call in wildlife control professionals. Qualified experts can assess the situation, and devise a humane and effective strategy for removing rabbits from your property. They are knowledgeable about local wildlife laws, ensuring that removal methods comply with regulations to protect both the animals and homeowners. When selecting a professional, it’s critical to choose someone who uses humane trapping and relocation techniques, and who can provide advice on preventing future intrusions. Professional intervention is typically the last resort, but it can provide peace of mind and a long-term solution to persistent rabbit problems.


In conclusion, effectively managing rabbit incursions requires a multifaceted approach that includes prevention, the use of various deterrents, and, when necessary, professional assistance. By combining barriers, repellents, and habitat alteration with a responsive strategy like motion-activated devices, homeowners can protect their gardens from these persistent herbivores. Remember, consistency in monitoring and adaptation to new situations is crucial for maintaining a rabbit-resistant property. Should circumstances escalate beyond manageable home remedies, relying on the expertise of wildlife professionals ensures ethical and legal resolution to rabbit troubles, safeguarding both the environment and the well-being of the local ecosystem.

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