How to Start Composting at Home

how to start composting at home

What is Composting

Composting is a fun way to turn your kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich fertilizer for your garden! Ready to join the composting revolution? Let’s get started now and make a difference for our environment!

Why Compost?

Composting is a great way to give back to the planet while helping my garden thrive. Not only does it reduce the amount of waste I generate, but it provides vital nutrients for my soil and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Plus, it’s easy and fun – who doesn’t love a little dirt play? It’s not just good for the environment – it’s good for me, too! It makes me feel less wasteful regarding my kitchen scraps, gives me a place to put all the grass clipping in summer and leaves in winter beside the landfill, and provides me with black gold for my garden. What’s not to like?

How to Start Composting at Home

I think a lot of people don’t compost because they assume it is complicated and labor-intensive. Composting doesn’t have to be complicated – all you need is a compost bin, some kitchen scraps, a place to mix the two, and the right conditions, and you’re ready to go! So let’s get into the nitty-gritty!

First, from personal experience, I advise you to have a kitchen scrap container with a nice fitting lid. It doesn’t have to be fancy, although if you can afford it why not?! Mine is just a plastic left-over bowl with a lid. Do not forget the lid. I grew a nice colony of fruit flies on my banana peels before I figured that one out!

To start composting, you’ll need a compost bin or container, kitchen scraps (like vegetable and fruit scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells), access to air, nitrogen-rich materials (such as grass clippings or manure) and carbon-rich material (such as dried leaves, sawdust). You’ll also need the right balance of these two ingredients in order for the compost to decompose properly. Lastly, you’ll need some patience – it can take anywhere from several weeks to several months for your compost pile to be ready!

Your compost “bin” can be as simple as a pile on the ground where you toss everything in the correct layers. Alternatively, you can buy a rotating compost drum, build a bin from old pallets, or just chicken wire attached to T-post. I happen to have a rotating bin mainly because I have a big powerful dog and I wasn’t sure how a pile on the ground would work out. I had images of banana peels and egg-shells all over the yard. My long-term goal is a pallet bin, but I have to find some pallets first!

Where to Put your Compost Bin

Where to put your compost bin? In a sunny spot – compost loves the sun. Or, if you have shade, that’s ok too. Find a spot for your compost bin and set it up. Don’t put it too far from the house because you will be adding to it often and that walk can get old. You also don’t necessarily want it right outside your door.

Now What?

You have your bin all set up. You have collected kitchen scraps,(no meat, bones, dairy or grease) in your nice lidded bin, hopefully, free of fruit flies! Start to layer your materials in the bin (ideally, you want a mix of nitrogen-rich materials on the bottom with carbon-rich material on top) Add water as needed – not too much! The goal is moist not soaked. Turn or mix your compost pile occasionally, to keep it aerated. Wait for the magic to happen!


Composting is a great way to reduce waste and give back to Mother Nature with all the nutrients being recycled and reused in your garden. Plus, who knows what else you will learn in the process – I definitely had a few unexpected discoveries! Happy composting and happy gardening!

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