Permaculture Principle Number Two: Care for People


Permaculture is a way of life that promotes sustainability and balance between humans, nature, and the environment. Permaculture has 12 core principles, permaculture principle number two is “Care for People.” This principle stresses the importance of caring for others in order to create a sustainable environment. This article will explore what it means to care for people through permaculture, as well as some practical examples of how to do so.

What is Care for People?

Caring for people is an integral part of permaculture and involves taking steps to create a sustainable environment in which everyone can thrive. There are many ways to take care of people through permaculture, including involving the community, promoting sustainable human development, respecting and connecting with nature, reusing resources responsibly, and providing opportunities for education and learning.

Benefits of Caring for People in Permaculture

Caring for people through permaculture has many benefits. It can foster greater community involvement which can lead to better decision-making and improved communication between individuals and groups. Additionally, it can create more equitable access to resources, reduce environmental degradation, and create a stronger sense of connection between humans and the natural world.

Examples of Caring for People Through Permaculture

There are many practical examples of how permaculturists care for people in their communities. One way is through sustainable human development projects that focus on improving access to clean water, sanitation, and health care. Additionally, permaculture can be used to create urban gardens that provide residents with access to fresh produce and promote sustainable agriculture.

Community gardens are a popular way to practice permaculture and care for people. Community gardens offer a chance for individuals from diverse backgrounds to unite in a joint space and collaborate on cultivating nutritious crops. These gardens also create jobs, provide access to fresh produce, and help build community resilience by providing local support networks.

Examples of places that have implemented permaculture practices to care for people include the Permaculture Institute in Australia, which helps people learn how to grow their own food and create sustainable livelihoods; The Urban Farm Collective in Chicago, which provides urban gardens and education on sustainable agriculture and urban farming; and the Sustainability Hub at Yale University, which offers a range of educational programs and resources to the public. Additionally, permaculture can be used in a variety of settings, from rural farms to urban buildings. So often people think of permaculture as something for farmers but permaculture can help urban and suburban communities as well bringing fresh food into those areas.

Learning Opportunities in Permaculture

Permaculture is also a great way to teach people about sustainable living and environmental awareness. Through permaculture, individuals can learn how to grow food, build healthy ecosystems, conserve resources, and create resilient communities. Additionally, permaculture can be used as an educational tool for children to develop an appreciation of nature and a sense of connection to the natural world, something they often have no opportunity to experience living surrounded by concrete from birth to death.

Good resource on self-sufficiency


Care for people is an essential part of permaculture. By involving the community, promoting sustainable human development, respecting and connecting with nature, reusing resources responsibly, and providing opportunities for education and learning, permaculturists can create a more sustainable world in which everyone can thrive.

The benefits of caring for people through permaculture are clear – it leads to better decision-making, creates more equal access to resources, and encourages a strong connection between people and the natural world. By using permaculture in their daily lives, individuals can make a positive impact on their communities and foster a better future for all. This is an incredibly important topic that needs more attention around the globe as it has the potential to greatly improve our quality of life.

Permaculture Principle Number One


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